Coffee Shop Jam 2004
In April 2004 a bunch of my students took over Cafe Bella in downtown Seattle and performed songs for their families and friends. For most, it was the first time they'd sung in front of a big group. It was kind of like a recital, but we called it the Coffee Shop Jam, which sounds much less miserable. We try to keep misery to an absolute minimum here at Heartwood Guitar Instruction. Actually, it was a blast. Here are videos of the performances.
All videos are in Windows Media Audio/Video format and between 2 and 3 megs in size.
Becky Harris
“Warning Sign” by ColdplayFredd Luongo
“Open All Night” by Bruce SpringsteenPhil Klein
“Only Living Boy in New York” by Simon and GarfunkelLydia Booth
"Spilled Nailpolish" (original)John Holliday
“Mad Mission” by Patty GriffinLucas Wrench
“Scar Tissue” by The Red Hot Chili PeppersHelena Klein
“The First Cut is the Deepest” by Sheryl CrowGrace Noah
“Peace and Love” by Fountains of WayneIan Witucki
“Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town” by Pearl JamSonja, Rich, Stasia, Sophia, Stephan, and Samuel Skalbania
“Walk On” by U2